Treating depression with hypnosis


For any mental health problem, as your first port of call you should always contact your GP.

Depression is a common psychological disorder.  Anyone can become depressed.  It is more than just feeling unhappy, bored or fed up.  If feelings don’t go away within two weeks or so it may be time to seek professional help.

At any one time throughout the year, approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will suffer from a mental health problem; depression being one of the most common issues.

With the right support and treatment such as counselling and hypnotherapy, people can often overcome these negative feelings.

The aim of hypnotherapy in helping to treat depression is to target the root cause of the issue and to develop better coping behaviours.  In most circumstances people will usually forget or supress the initial cause of their depression due to the association with negative feelings.  An event can easily be forgotten on a conscious level, but, the subconscious level rarely forgets.  This is why it is better to confront the issue head on rather that burying it in the subconscious which can worsen depression.

Hypnotherapy connects directly with the subconscious mind.  The therapy session will address your perception of the event that has caused you to become depressed with the main aim to improve your self-esteem and low mood and will help you regain your self-confidence and independence.


Symptoms of depression can persist for long periods of time and can interfere with your family, social and professional life.  If you experience any of the following symptoms everyday for 2 weeks you should contact your GP:-

Psychological Symptoms

  • Constantly expecting the worse to happen
  • Constantly feeling sad, anxious or empty inside
  • Feeling restless and irritable
  • Feelings of worthlessness, helpless or guilty
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Suicidal thoughts, thoughts of death, generally morbid thoughts
  • Losing interest in things
  • Low self-esteem

Physical Symptoms

  • Changes in sleep patterns – early morning wakening
  • Tiredness
  • Changes in bowel habit
  • Aches & pains
  • Changes in appetite
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of libido

Social Symptoms

  • Loss of interest in hobbies
  • Not performing well at work or school
  • Avoiding contact with friends
  • Having problems in your family and home life

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