Anger Management 

anger management

If any of the following have happened, you may benefit from professional help:-

  • Your behaviour has led you to break the law
  • You are violent towards your partner, family, pets or others
  • You deliberately break things or damage property
  • You regularly argue with those close to you
  • You constantly feel angry but feel unable to express yourself
  • You feel out of control when you are angry and you worry about what you might do

Hypnotherapy for anger

Hypnotherapy can help those with anger management problems in several ways.  As your hypnotherapist, my initial aim will be to understand the root cause of your anger.  Anger management problems often stem from past experiences.  These experiences can shape your behaviour and belief systems.

Emotional effects of anger

  • Depression
  • Self-harm
  • Anxiety

In some cases anger management problems can be symptom of another mental health concern, so you may like to make your GP your first port of call.

Why am I so angry?

Each person is different and will have their own individual anger triggers.  For example feeling you are being treated unfairly, taken for granted, not appreciated, frustrated with a certain situation.  Understanding the root of your anger is an integral step in anger management.

To understand why you might be angry it can be helpful to look at past experiences, childhood, relationships etc.

Feeling angry is a normal part of life.  Usually anger is a result of feeling frustrated, insulted, deceived or under attack.  For many, anger is a natural reaction that passes quickly, however, in some instances it can become a difficult emotion to control.  Failing to manage anger effectively can lead to mental and physical health problems.  You may find that anger management issues are affecting your relationships, your work, your self-esteem.

When does anger become a problem?

Anger can be a useful emotion which triggers a physical reaction in the body.  This reaction is often called ‘Fight or Flight’ and is triggered when we are anxious, stressed or threatened.  The hormone, adrenaline, is pumped around the body which gives us the strength to feel we can either run away or stand and fight.  This is a primal instinct originating from prehistoric times when we were cavemen and primitive and brutal in our behaviour.

The problem with the basic instinct of ‘Fight or Flight’ is that, fighting or fleeing is rarely appropriate in everyday life.  This can make it difficult for us to express anger and this is where some of us develop a problem.

When you aren’t able to express your anger you may bottle it up.  This can cause angry outbursts at inappropriate times.  It may also make you feel more angry in general, thus leading you to react more aggressively in other situations.

Everyone’s experience will be different, but, the following types of anger issues are recognised as potentially damaging.

  • Chronic anger – ongoing prolonged anger can affect the immune system and result in other mental health issues
  • Passive anger – when people express anger in a passive way it can often affect relationships
  • Overwhelmed anger – when an individual feels there is too much to cope with
  • Self-inflicted anger – when anger is directed toward yourself due to guilt, it can be mentally damaging
  • Judgemental anger – directed towards others, the feeling of anger usually comes with resentment
  • Volatile anger – leading to violent outbursts, this form of anger can be troubling for loved ones

So, whilst you may think that another person or situation is causing your anger it may well come from you!  Once this is understood, as your therapist I can, with your co-operation begin to work towards changing this.  In order to do this I will work on a conscious and unconscious level and aim to help change your negative thought processes.  In doing this I will introduce relaxation techniques and suggestions on how you can help to control your anger.  Hopefully, we will be able to change your reaction to anger triggers and instead of feeling overwhelmed and angry you will  be able to coax yourself into feeling calmer and more relaxed.  Having techniques to help you feel calmer in stressful situations helps you think more clearly, so, you can react in a more appropriate way.

Hypnotherapy can also help with conditions that may include anger as a symptom.  For example, if you are suffering from anxiety, stress or depression.

The number of sessions required will depend on your individual circumstances.  As your therapist I will teach you some self-hypnosis techniques and relaxation tips to be used at home in the long term.

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